Bristol Paint
Bristol 780 Coating - CLEARANCE
Starting at: £24.30
50% Discount Clearance
This is a hard-wearing acrylic used to increase the durability of the paint film. Adding 780 Coating to Bristol scenic paint will extend the life of exterior paint-work and give increased scuff resistance. Adhesion to difficult surfaces such as plastic and metal is also improved. 780 Coating is also used to prevent colour separation when mixing Bristol Metallic colours with other colours from the range to produce metallic tints.
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Bristol Metallic Paint - CLEARANCE
Starting at: £26.20
Bristol Metallic Paint
High quality metallic paints for scenic and decorative use
50% Discount Clearance
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Bristol Paint is part of PPG Architectural Coatings Australia, manufacturers of leading brands Bristol, Taubmans and White Knight Paints. As part of this group of companies Bristol enjoys the resources to manufacture the highest quality paints and research new paint formulas for specific markets.